FREE Admission
1st Half Pop-Up Bands
-Networking Intermission-
2nd Half Open Mic Jam
Swing by to listen or bring your instrument to jam and make collaborative connections.
For more information and to sign up as an artist, click the form linked below:
If you cannot access the Google Form, you can simply email with:
Name | Email | Phone | Instrument | Practice Availability | Social Media Handle (Optional)
The Pop-Up Music Co-op is free network that helps musicians expand their creative vision through quarterly music collaborations.
-Artists sign up and submit their instrument of choice
-We assign bands according to artist interest
-Bands practice throughout the season (3 months) to come up with a 30 minute set
(Yes! You can play covers, but aim to have more than 50% original)
Finally, we host a supportive showcase and start it all over the next season with new band assignments.
It's a blast.
Follow the Pop-Up Instagram:
For photos, updates, discussions, and upcoming show dates.